The Journey Museum and Learning Center is a gem in the community of Rapid City that many don't realize offers as much as they do. They offer an extensive amount of classes, educational presentations, an expansive museum exhibit, and much, much more. Close to many different Rapid City, South Dakota hotels and a short drive from the Powder House Lodge, the Journey Museum is a must see place on your trip to the Black Hills.
The Journey Museum & Learning Center is home to numerous different exhibits that rotate out regularly. Currently housed there is the Lakota Emergence Exhibit and the Genevieve Bluebird Special Exhibition, both serving as a way to showcase the talent and different cultures that are in the Rapid City and Black Hills communities. The Journey Museum & Learning Center is also home to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Museum of Geology, the South Dakota Archaeological Research Center, the Sioux Indian Museum, and the Minnilusa Pioneer Museum.
Also offered at the Journey Museum & Learning Center is many different educational classes, tailoring to kids and adults alike. Not only is it a museum, but they hope to fulfill the mission of making it a place to learn and have fun while doing it. For those space cadets in your family, check out the Journey Into Space, a real-time trip through space using the Journey Museum's NASA supported Uniview Digital Universe Program. You'll be able to see the constellations and learn about the galaxy in ways you never thought possible. Kids are also offered Discovery Expeditions, a time of activities, experiments, and crafts that the whole family can partake in.
The Journey Museum & Learning Center also houses the Paleontology Tent for getting hands-on with dinosaurs, the Learning Lab with puzzles, books, and much more for kids, and the Wells Fargo Theater, which regularly shows different programs meant to educate about the Black Hills and surrounding communities.
The Journey Museum & Learning Center is a unique place that would take a whole day to get through if planned accordingly. The amount of knowledge and information housed in the Journey is enough to make your brains hurt for a few days afterwards, in a good way. The kids and adults in your family will all benefit from a trip to the Journey Museum & Learning Center, so take a trip out of your Rapid City, South Dakota hotels and make your way over to the museum to get a feel for all that the community has to offer.
222 New York Street
Rapid City, SD 57701